Of the 22 electorates, the four in metropolitan areas had an average rate of 89%, while the four provincial electorates and 14 rural electorates had rates of 72% and 62% respectively.
Of the 22 electorates, the four in metropolitan areas had an average rate of 89%, while the four provincial electorates and 14 rural electorates had rates of 72% and 62% respectively. At the other end of the spectrum, there are 28 electorates, where fewer than 0.5% of people are in the lowest 30% of IRSAD. All except two of these electorates are in metropolitan areas, and on average 63% of people received all bulk-billed GP services in 2021-22, a decline of 0.5 of a percentage point on two years earlier . Again there is substantial variation within the group, from 93% in Greenway in outer-metropolitan Sydney, to 38% in Curtin in inner-metropolitan Perth. It is striking that the least disadvantaged electorates have a marginally higher average proportion of people who received all bulk-billed GP services (63%) than the 14 most disadvantaged rural electorates (62%). Where a patient lives on the city-country continuum has more of an impact on their likely bulk-billing experienc...